Explain Constructors and Destructors in C++ language.

 Explain Constructors and Destructors In C++  Language.


 After going through this chapter, you will be able to

Describe the concepts of constructors and destructors.

Explain parameterized constructors

Interpret parameterized constructors 

Discuss dynamic initialization of objects

Explain copy and dynamic constructors

1] Introduction.

            We have seen, so far, a few examples of classes being implemented. In all the cases, we have used member functions such as putdata() and setvalue() to provide initial values to the private member variables. For example, the following statement


invokes the member function input(), which assigns the initial values to the data items of object A. similarly, the statement


passes the initial values as arguments to the function getdata(),  where these values are assigned to the private variables of objects x. All these 'Function call' statements are used with appropriate objects that have already been created. These functions cannot be used to initialize the member variables at the time of creation of their objects.

            Providing the initial values as described above does not conform with the philosophy of C++ language. We stated earlier that one of the aims of C++ is to create user-defined data types such as class that behave very similar to the built-in types. This means that we should be able to initialize a class type, variable when it is declared, much the same way as initialization of an ordinary variable. For example,

               int m = 20;

               float x = 5.75;

are valid initialization statements for basic data types.

            Similarity, when a variable of built-in type goes out of scope, the compiler automatically destroys the variable. But it has not happened with the objects we have so far studied. it is therefore clear that some more features of classes need to be explored that would enable us to initialize the objects when they are created and destroy them when their presence is no longer necessary. 

            C++ provides a special member function called the constructor which enables an object to initialize itself when it is created. This is known as automatic initialization of objects. It also provides another member function called the destructor that destroys the objects when they are no longer required.

2] Constructors.

            A constructor is a 'special' member function whose task is to initialize the objects of its class. It is special because its name is the same as the class name. The constructor is invoked whenever an object of its associated class is created . It is called constructor because it constructs the values of data members of the class.

        A constructor is declared and defined as follows:

                // class with a constructor

                class integer


                        int m,n;


                        integer(void);          //constructor declared




                integer :: integer (void)    //constructor defined


                        m = 0; n = 0;


            When a class contains a constructor like the one defined above. It is guaranteed that an object created by the class will be initialized automatically. For example, the declaration

               integer int1;                    // object int1 created 

not only creates the object int1 of type integer but also initializes its data members m ands n to zero. There is no need to write any statement to invoke the constructor function . This would be very inconvenient, if there are a large number of objects.

            A constructor that accepts no parameters is called the default constructor. The default constructor for class A is A::A() .If no such constructor is defined, then the compiler supplies a default constructor. Therefore a statement such as 

            A a;

        invokes the default constructor of the compiler to create the object a.

  • They should be declared in the public section.
  • They are invoked automatically when the objects are created.
  • They do not have return types, not even void and therefore, and they cannot return values.
  • They cannot be inherited, through a derived class can call the base class constructor.
  • Like other C++ functions, they can have default arguments.
  • Constructors cannot be virtual .
  • We cannot refer to their addresses.
  • An object with a constructor cannot be used a member of a union
  • They make 'implicit calls' to the operators new and delete when memory allocation is required. 
               Remember, when a constructor is declared for a class, initialization of the class objects becomes mandatory.


            The constructor integer(), defined above, initializes the data members of all the objects to zero. However, in practice it may be necessary to initialize the various data elements of different objects with different values when they are created. C++ permits us to achieve this objective by passing arguments to the constructor function when the objects are created. The constructors that can take arguments are called parameterized constructors.

        The constructor integer() may be modified to take arguments 
        as shown below:
            class integer
                int m, n;
                        integer (int x, int y);     // parameterized constructor
            integer :: integer(int x, int y)
                    m = x; n = y;
        When a constructor has been parameterized, the object                        declaration statement such as
            integer int1;
may not work. We must pass the initial values as arguments to the constructor function when an object is declared. This can in two ways:
  • By calling the constructor explicitly.
  • By calling the constructor implicitly.
        The following declaration illustrates the first method:
            integer int1 = integer(0,100);            // explicit call

            The statement creates an integer object int1 and passes the values 0 to 100 to it. The second is implemented as follows:
            integer int1(0,100);                            // implicit call
            This method, sometimes called the shorthand method, is used very often as it is shorter , looks better and is easy to implement. 

            Remember, when the constructor is parameterized, we must provide appropriate arguments for the constructor. 

       The constructor functions can also be defined as inline functions
            class integer 
                    int m, n;
                    integer(int x, int y)      // Inline constructor
                        m = x; y = n;

            The parameters of  a constructor can be of any type except that of the class to which it belongs. For example,
            class A
is illegal.
        However, a constructor can accepts a reference to its own class         as a parameter. Thus, the statement 
            Class A
is valid. In such cases, the constructor is called the copy constructor.

PROGRAM : Example of Parameterized Constructor
class point
    int x, y;
       point(int a, int b)  //inline parameterized constructor definition
       void display()
int main()
    Point p1(1,1);  //invokes parameterized constructor
    Point p2(5,10);
    cout<<"Point p1 = ";
    cout<<"Point p2 = ";
    return 0;

The output of this program:
     Point p1= (1,1)
     Point p2=(5,10)


  So far we have used two kinds of constructors. They are:

            integer();                                // No arguments
            integer(int, int);                      // Two arguments

            In the first case, the constructor itself supplies the data values and no values are passed by the calling program. In the second case, the function call passes the appropriate values from main(). C++ permits us to use both these constructors in the same class. For example, we could define a class as follows:
        class integer
                int m, n;
                integer() {m=0; n=0;}        // constructor 1
                integer(int a, int b)
                {m - a; n = 0;}                    // constructor 2
                integer (integer &i)
                {m = i.m; n = i.n;}              // constructor 3

            This declares three constructors for an integer object. The first constructor receives no arguments, the second receives two integer arguments and the third receives one integer object as an argument. for example, the declaration 
                integer I1;
Would automatically invoke the first constructor and set both m    and n of I1 to zero. The statement
                integer I2(20,40);
would call the second constructor which will initialize the data members m and n of I2 to 20 and 40, respectively. Finally, the statement
                integer I3(I2);
would invoke the third constructor which copies the values of I2 into I3. In other words, it sets the value of every data element of I3 to the value of the corresponding data element of I2. As mentioned earlier, such a constructor is called the copy constructor. Similarly, when more than one constructor function is defined in a class, we say that the constructor is overloaded.

PROGRAM: Overloaded Constructors
using  namespace std;
class Complex
    float x, y;
    complex() {}                       // constructor no arg
    complex(float a)  {x = y = a;}     // constructor-one arg
    complex(float real, float imag)    // constructors-two args
    {x = real; y = imag;}

    friend complex sum(complex, complex);
    friend void show(complex);
complex sum(complex c1, complex c2)     // friend
    complex c3;
    c3.x = c1.x + c2.x;
    c3.y = c1.y + c2.y;
void show(complex c)                    // friend
    cout<<c.x<<"+ j"<<c.y<<"\n";
int main()
    complex A(2.7, 3.5);                 // define & initialize
    complex B(1.6);                      // define & initialize
    complex C;                           // define

    C = sum(A, B);                       // sum() is a friend
    cout << "A = "; show(A);             // show() is also friend
    cout << "B = "; show(B);
    cout << "C = "; show(C);

  // Another way to give initial values (second method)
    complex P,Q,R;                        // define P, Q and R
    P = complex(2.5 , 3.9);               // initialize P
    Q = complex(1.6, 2.5);                // initialize Q
    R = sum(P,Q);

    cout << "\n";
    cout << "P = "; show (P);
    cout << "Q = "; show(Q);
    cout << "R = "; show(R);

    return 0;

The Output of this program:
        A = 2.7 + j3.5
        B = 1.6 + j1.6
        C = 4.3 + j5.1

        P = 2.5 + j3.9
        Q = 1.6 + j2.5
        R = 4.1 + j6.4

Let us look at the first constructor again.
        complex() {}

            It contains empty body and does not do anything. We just stated that this is used to create objects without any initial values. Remember, we have defined objects in the earlier examples without using such a constructor.

            This works fine as long as we do not use any other constructors in the class. However, once we define a constructor , we must also define the "do-nothing" implicit constructor. This constructor will not do anything and is defined just to satisfy the compiler.


        It is possible to define constructors with default arguments. For example, the constructor complex() can be declared as follows:
                    complex(float real, float imag=0);

                1. Constructor do not match any return type.
                2.Constructor can neither be used as virtual nor                               inherited. 
                3.Constructors should be declared in public section only
                4.Constructors' memory address cannot be fetched.

            The default of the arguments imag is zero. Then, the statement
                    complex C(5, 0);
assigns the value 5.0 to the real variable and 0.0 to imag . However, the statement
                    complex C(2.0,3.0);
assigns 2.0 to real and 3.0 to imag. The actual parameter, when specified , overrides the default value. As pointed out earlier, the missing arguments must be the trailing ones.
            It is important to distinguish between the default constructor A::A() and the default argument constructor A::A(int = 0). The default argument constructor can be called with either one argument or no arguments. When called with no arguments, it becomes a default constructors. When both these forms are used in a class,
                    A a;
    The ambiguity is whether to 'call' A::A( ) or A::A(int = 0).


            Class objects can be initialized dynamically too. That is to say, the initial value of an object may be provided during run time. One advantage of dynamic initialization is that we can provide various initialization formats, using overloaded constructors. This provides the flexibility of using different format of data at run time depending upon the situation.

            Consider the long term deposit schemes working in the commercial banks. The banks provide different interest rates for different schemes as well as for different periods of investment. 

PROGRAM: Dynamic Initialization of Objects.

// Long-term fixed deposit system
using namespace std;
class Fixed_deposit()
      long int P_amount;     //Principal amount
      int Years;             // Period of investment
      float Rate;            // Interest rate
      float R_value;         // Return  value of amount
      Fixed_deposit() {}
      Fixed_deposit(long int p, int y, float r=0.12);
      Fixed_deposit(long int p, int y, int r);
      void display(void);
Fixed_deposit :: Fixed_deposit(long int p, int y, float r)
      P_amount = p;
      Years = y;
      Rate = r;
      R_value = P_amount;
      for(int i = 1; i <= y; i++)
          R_value = R_value * (1.0 + r);
Fixed_deposit :: Fixed_deposit(long int p, int y, int r)
      P_amount = p;
      Years = y;
      Rate = r;
      R_value = P_amount;

      for(int i=1; i<=y; i++)
          R_value = R_value*(1.0 + float(r)/100);
void Fixed_deposit :: display(void)
      cout << "\n"
           << "Principal Amount = " << P_amount << "\n"
           <<"Return value       =" << R_value  << "\n";
int main()
      Fixed_deposit FD1, FD2, FD3;     // deposits created
      long int p;                      // principal amount
      int y;                           //investment period, years
      float r;                         // interest rate, decimal form
      int R;                           // interest rate, percent form

      cout << "Enter amount, period, interest rate(in percent)"<<"\n";
      cin  >> p >> y >> R;
      FD1 = Fixed_deposit(p, y, R);

      cout << "Enter amount, period,interest rate(in percent)"<<"\n";
      cin  >> p >> y >> r;
      FD2 = Fixed_deposit(p, y, r);

      cout << "Enter amount and period" << "\n";
      cin  >> p >> y;
      FD3 = Fixed_deposit(p,y);

      cout << "\nDeposit 1";

      cout << "\nDeposit 2";

      cout << "\nDeposit 3";

      return 0;

note: since the C++ program is done in C, the error occurs

The output of this program:

Enter amount, period, interest rate(in percent)
10000 3 18
Enter amount , period , interest rate(in decimal form)
10000 3 0.18
Enter amount and period
10000 3

Deposit 1
Principal amount = 10000
Return value        = 16430.3

Deposit 2
Principal Amount = 10000
Return value         = 16430.3

Deposit 3
Principal Amount = 10000
  1. Return value         = 14049.3

        The program uses three overloaded constructors. The parameter values to these constructors are provided at run time. The user can provide input in one of the following forms:
  1.  Amount, period and interest in decimal form.
  2. Amount, period and interest in percent form.
  3. Amount and period.


            As stated earlier, a copy constructor is used to declare and initialize an object from another object. For example, the statement
        integer I2(I1);
would define the object I2 and at the same time initialize it to the values of I1. Another form of this statement is
        integer I2 = I1;
            The process of initializing through a copy constructor is known as copy initialization. Remember, the statement
        I2 = I1;
will not invoke the copy constructor. However, if I1 and I2 are objects, this statement is legal and simply assigns the values of I1 to I2, member-by-member. This is the task of the overloaded assignment operator(=). We shall see more about this later.
            A copy constructor takes a reference to an object of the same class as itself as an argument. Let us consider a simple example of constructing and using a copy constructor as shown in program:

πŸ‘‰Program: Copy Constructor
using namespace std;
class code
      int id;
      code(){}                   // constructor
      code(int a) { id = a;}     // constructor again
      code(code & x)             // copy constructor
         id = x.id;              // copy in the value
      void display(void)
         cout << id;
int main()
      code A(100);                // Object a is created and initialization
      code B(A);                  // copy constructor called
      code C = A;                 // copy constructor called again

      code D;                     // D is created, not initialized
      D = A;                      // copy constructor not called

      cout << "\n id of A: "; A.display();
      cout << "\n id of B: "; B.display();
      cout << "\n id of C: "; C.display();
      cout << "\n id of D: "; D.display();

      return 0;
                                                 note: since the C++ program is done in C, the error occurs

The Output of this program:
id  of A: 100
id  of B: 100
id  of C: 100
id  of D: 100

When a copy constructor is defined, the compiler supplies its own copy constructor.


            The copy constructors can also be used to allocated memory while creating objects. This will enable the system to allocate the right amount of memory for each object when the objects are not of the same size, thus resulting in the saving of memory. Allocation of memory to objects at the time of their construction is known as dynamic construction of objects. The memory is allocated with the help of new operator.

Program: Constructors with new
using namespace std;

class String
    char *name;
    int length;
    string()                        //constructor-1
      length = 0;
      name = new char[length + 1];
    string (char *s)                // constructor-2
      length = strlen(s);          
      name = new char[length + 1]   // one aditional
                                    // character for \0
      strcpy(name, s);                              
    void display(void)
    {cout << name << "\n";}
    void join (String &a, String &b);
void String :: join(String &a, string &b)
    length = a.length + b.length;
    delete name;
    name = new char[length+1];      //dynamic allocation

    strcpy(name, a.name);
    strcpy(name, b.name);
int main()
    char *first = "Joseph ";
    String name1(first) , name2("Louis "), name3("Lagrange"),s1,s2;
    s1.join(name1, nasme2);
    s2.join(s1, name3);
    return 0;
                                                 note: since the C++ program is done in C, the error occurs

The output of this program
Joseph Louis
Joseph Louis Lagrange

            The member function join()  concatenates two strings. It estimates the combined length of the strings to be joined, allocates memory for the combined string and then creates the same using the string functions strcpy()  and strcat() . Note that in the function join() , length and name are members of the object that calls the function, while a.length and a.name are members of the argument object a. The main() function program concatenates three strings into one string. The output is shown below.
                    Joseph Louis Lagrange


πŸ‘‰We can construct matrix variables using the class type objects.

  Program: Constructing Matrix Objects.

using namespace std;
class matrix
int **p; //pointer to matrix
int d1,d2;  //dimesions
matrix(int x, int y);
void get_element(int i, int j, int value)
{p[i] [j]=value;}
int & put_element(int i, int j)
{return p[i][j];}
matrix :: matrix(int x, int y)
d1 = x;
d2 = y;
p = new int *[d1]; //creates an array pointer 
for(int i = 0; i < d1; i++)
p[i] = new int[d2]; //creates space for each row
int main()
int m, n;
cout << "Enter size of matrix: ";
cin  >> m >> n;
matrix A(m,n); //matrix object A constructed 
cout << "Enter matrix elements row by row \n";
int i, j, value;
for(i = 0; i < m; i++)
for(j = 0; j < n; j++)
cin >> value;
A.get_element(i, j, value);
cout << "\n";
cout << A.put_element(1,2);
return 0;

     Enter size of matrix: 3 4
     Enter matrix elements row by row
     11 12 13 14
     15 16 17 18
     19 20 21 22

17 is the value of element(1, 2).
            The constructor first creates a vector pointer to an int of size d1. Then, it allocates iteratively an int type vector of size d2 pointed at by each element p[i]. Thus, space for the elements of a d1 x d2 matrix is allocated from free store as shown above.

10] const OBJECTS.

            We may create and use constant objects using const keyword before object declaration. For example, we may create X as a constant object of the class matrix as follows:
                const matrix X(m,n);     // object X is constant

            Any attempt to modify the values of m and n will generate compile-time error. Further , a constant object can call only const member functions. As we know, a const member is a function prototype or function definition where the keyword const appears after the function's signature.
            Whenever const objects try to invoke non const functions, the compiler generates errors.


            A destructor, as the name implies , is used to destroy the objects that have been created by a constructor. Like a constructor, the destructor is a member function whose name is the same as the class name but is preceded by a tlide. For example, the destructor for the class integer can be defined as shown below:
                    -integer :: -matrix()

             Whenever new is used to allocate memory in the constructors, we should use delete to free that memory. For example, the destructor for the matrix class discussed above may be defined as follows:
                matrix :: -matrix()
                        for(int i=0; i<dl; i++)
                        delete p[i];
                        delete p;

πŸ‘‰This is required because when the pointers to objects go out of scope, a destructor is not called implicitly.

πŸ‘‰The example below illustrates that the destructor has been invoked implicitly by the compiler.

Program: Implementation of destructors 
using namespace std;
int count=0;
class test
cout<<"\n\nConstructor Msg: Object number "<<count<<"created..";
cout<<"\n\nDestructor Msg: Object number "<<count<<"destroyed..";
int main()
cout<<"Inside the main block..";
cout<<"\n\nCreating first object T1..";
test T1;
//Block 1
cout<<"\n\nInside Block 1..";
cout<<"\n\nCreating two more objects T2 and T3..";
test T2,T3;
cout<<"\n\nLeaving Block 1..";
cout<<"\n\nBack inside the main block..";
return 0;

        Inside the main block..
        Creating first object T1..
        Constructor Msg: Object number 1 created..
        Inside Block 1..
        Creating two more objects T2 and T3..
        Constructor Msg: Object number 2 created..
        Constructor Msg: Object number 3 created..
        Leaving Block 1..
        Destructor Msg: Object number 3 destroyed..
        Destructor Msg: Object number 2 destroyed
        Back inside the main block.. 
        Destructor Msg: Object number 1 destroyed..
            Similar functionality as depicted in "Program: Implementation of destructor" can be attained by using static data members with constructors and destructors. We can declare a static integer variable count inside a class to keep a track of the number of its object instantiations. Being static, the variable will be initialized only once, i.e., when the first object instance is created. During all subsequent object creations, the constructor will increment the count variable by one. Similarly, the destructor will decrement the count variable by one as and when an object gets destroyed. To realize this scenario, the code in "Program: Implementation of destructor"  will change slightly, as shown below:

using namespace std;

class test
        static int count=0;

    The primary use of destructors is in feeling up the memory reserved by the object before it gets destroyed.

Program:  Memory Allocation to an Object using Destructor.

using namespace std;
class test
        int *a;
        test(int size)
                a=new int[size];
                cout<<"\n\nConstructor Msg: Integer array of size"<<size<<"created.."
                delete a;
                cout<<"\n\nDestructor Msg: Freed up the memory allocated for integer array";
int main()
        int s;
        cout<<"Enter the size of the array..";
        cout<<"\n\nCreating an object of test class..";
        test T(s);
        cout<<"\n\nPress any key to end the program..";

        return 0;  

        Enter the size of the array..5
        Creating an object of test class..
        Constructor Msg: Integer array of size 5 created..
        Press any key to end the program..
        Destructor Msg: Freed up the memory allocated for integer array


❤Key Terms:


